Aboriginal People Living with HIV/AIDS Advisory Committee
2 Spirited People of the 1st Nations – Terms of Reference, Objective
To increase participation of Aboriginal people living with HIV/AIDS (APHA) and to provide advice on the development of activities under the Aboriginal Persons Living with HIV/AIDS Coordination Program.
Time Line and Communication Framework
The Chair of the APHA Advisory Committee reports on the advice given by APHAs to:
the Board of Directors of 2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations
Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network’s (CAAN) APHA Advocate
the two (2) APHA Board members of CAAN.
Members of the Advisory Committee will hold their seats until March 2007. Meetings will take place on as-needed basis (approximately four times a year) by meeting in person.
The purpose of this Advisory Committee is to provide advice, direction and comments to the Executive Director of 2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations on the development of the Aboriginal Persons Living with HIV/AIDS Coordination Program, proposals that being considered for funding submission, talking circles, capacity-building for APHAs, Link-Up Discussion Forum, Position Paper development, and National Committee Participation (Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network) and the discussion/recommendation of resolutions to be brought forward.
Members of the Advisory Committee are accountable to 2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations Board of Directors, APHA members and the Aboriginal Community.
Minutes of all proceedings will be filed with the 2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations and made available, upon Advisory Committee approval, to the general public.
The Advisory Committee shall be made up of not more than eight (8) representatives with experience and familiarity with issues and problems confronting Aboriginal people living with HIV/AIDS. The Advisory Committee will represent Aboriginal people living with HIV/AIDS with attention given to gender and regional representation.
Knowledge and Responsibilities
- Knowledge of problems and issues confronting Aboriginal people living with HIV/AIDS.
- Ability to represent the diversity and collective wisdom of Aboriginal people living with HIV/AIDS.
- Commitment to the Advisory Committee for the duration of their term.
- Knowledge of the goals of the Aboriginal Strategies on HIV/AIDS, government policy and structure.
- Ability to actively promote the spiritual and mystical work of 2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations.