Here you can get acquainted with 2spirits current programs, services, and educational workshops. They deal with two-spirited people, human rights, and spiritual mysteries.
Current Programs
Support Services Program
Counselling and Referrals, Practical Assistance (with a client list of two hundred plus (200+).
Outreach and Education
Workshops, presentations, group discussions, talking circles and training sessions.
Volunteer and Development Services Program
Community events, Volunteer Programs, Social and Cultural events (with assistance from traditional spiritual people) We have eighty (80) active volunteers.
Long-Term Care Program
Buddy Program, Palliative Care and Long-Term Care.
Research Program
Aboriginal community-based research projects (i.e. A Study on Service Utilization by Aboriginal Two-Spirit men living with HIV/AIDS, Volunteer Retention Study).
2spirits Projects
Two-Spirit Curriculum Development Project
A module accompanied with videographies to address the health access needs of Two-Spirit people is being developed with funding and in partnership with the Canadian Rainbow Health Coalition.
- Social, cultural and recreational activities ( celebration of life ceremonies, Two-Spirit Women’s Full Moon ceremony).
- Counseling (pre & post HIV test, individuals, family, friends and partners) and advocacy.
- Client support programs
- HIV/AIDS education, outreach and prevention programs (our organization participates in national campaigns on HIV/AIDS).
- Aboriginal people with HIV/AIDS (APHA) fund.
- Quarterly newsletters – Gaasiiganish & the Sacred Fire.
- Harm reduction tools and materials.
- Quarterly Traditional Feasts (Spring, Summer, Winter & Autumn Solstice).
- Annual events for Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Day in Canada on December 1st and
- Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Week (December 1 – 5).
- Annual Toronto Aboriginal Festival (last weekend in November)(we have a booth to distribute our materials).
- National Day Against Homophobia (June 1st).
- Candle light vigil to commemorate people who have passed to the spirit world at the 519 Church Street Community Centre (4th Thursday in June).
- AIDS Walk (last Sunday in September).
- Traditional training with Elders, spiritual people and traditional healers.
- Protection spells and sigils workshop.